Friday, August 3, 2012

Ups and downs and round and round we go!

I must admit, this has been a great summer. It is the first one that I have not worked in about 5 years. I really have enjoyed all my time with my sweet boys. I am hating the fact that school is right around the corner. Healthwise, things have been good. Just tired. Blah. And I hate telling people I am tired because I feel like they will think I am whining. Or I get the typical response like "Oh, me too." or "I know what you mean." Then I really feel like I am whining because everyone gets tired, right? Just not MS tired. And right now, the dizziness (which is not something I have on a regular basis) is back. Will be staying close to home unless I have to go somewhere this weekend. Even Brice pulling into a parking spot yesterday, and then backing up and pulling forward just about did me in. I had to turn up the air and close my eyes and wait for it to pass. Today I ran the roads with Jake and all day, sadly, I have been looking forward to coming home and sitting still. Most know this is hard for me. I have loved every minute of my day with Jake but the dizziness is making me sick to my stomach. :( Went to Swansboro Medical Center to see the awesome Eric and he agreed to refer me to a MS clinic. He also was very caring and ordered blood work to make sure it was nothing else and gave me a prescription for a sleeping pill. I tried it and not sure if it is something I can take. The first time I did not notice much of a difference. The next time I took two and totally felt drugged the next day. Going to give it one more try tonight and take it early enough to see if I can function tomorrow. Good news is, my blood work all came back normal. I know have an appointment at Duke with Dr. Mhoon. If you look him up, he is a baby but they positive side of that is he is probably current on more options. I am very disappointed with Dr. Steel and do not know if I will go back to see him again in September. For him to try one medication for fatigue and then tell me there is nothing else he can do for me when that one doesn't work...well that is like he has given up. The last appointment I went to, he looked more at the computer than he did me. It is the first appointment with him that I felt that way. I have adored him up until now and I LOVE his nurse Michelle. She is the one that called when they messed up my message to him. I called, left a message with the nurse who answered. She messed it up and told Dr. Steel that my "vertigo" medicine wasn't working and he did not even look at my records to see that I don't have vertigo and prescribed a medication for dizziness that I totally did not need to take! When I called back and told Michelle about it, she was very apologetic. So, all in all, I am very excited to go to a doctor who specializes in this and hoping to get some tips, advice and help other than just passing me some injections. My copaxone is the not the miracle medicine and I feel like I feel worse on it besides the fact that I HATE doing it. So, if you read this, and not many do, please PRAY that my appointment in September goes great! Too damn young to feel this damn old. :)