Monday, August 8, 2011

Some fun is always nice to get free stuff! :)

So, I talked Brice into going to Lowe's with me to get some free cereal. :) I spent OOP 11.19 and saved 19.76 between Lowes rewards, coupons and double coupons. :)

I got three boxes of Cocoa Puffs: It was 2/$5 making them 2.50.
Get three boxes, it was 7.50. Sale takes $3/3 at the register making it 4.50 and 1.50/each. I had .75 off coupons which double to 1.50 for each box; therefore making them free. Yay!

I also got 3 boxes of regular Bisquick 40oz that were on sale of 3.19. I had .50 off coupons that double to $1 off each, so they were only 2.19 each. I picked up one box of Bisquick complete that was 2/$4 and I had a .50 off coupon that doubled to $1 off and I also had a .50 cents off with my Lowes Rewards Card, so it was only .50 cents for the box.

I grabbed two boxes of Betty Crocker Gushers. (Can you tell Jake was with me? He said "You have coupon for it, Mom?")They were 2.89 and I had .50 off coupons that doubled to $1 off each box. So I got each box for 1.89.

Came home after my MRI and saw the offer for free Expo Markers. This coupon was going fast, so I printed one and headed to Walgreens. Expo Marker two-packs are on sale for .99 cents and the coupon is $2 off any two packs of Expo markers. Get two packs and they are free! I got three 3 subject composition notebooks (120 page) on sale for .99 each, 2 packs of 24 crayola crayons ($1 register reward on both of these, so you have to do 2 seperate transactions to get it for both, Papermate mechanical pencils box of 30 for 1.99 (love these, never have to hear the 7 year old complain that he doesn't have a sharpened pencil! Plus, I can keep these at my desk too.), and 2 packs of Expo markers. (I also had one picture to pick up.)I got all of the above for about $7 and saved 19.49 in Walgreens savings and coupons.

What a great day! Could have spent around $57.38 at Lowe's Foods and Walgreens but only spent $18.13. Let's just hope I can be that successful at Harris Teeter later this week, lol.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Grrrrr...with a smile on my face. :)

So, I do try hard to stay positive and upbeat at all times...and it works most of the time. Today, though, I almost melted...the MonSter (yes, I have named my MS MonSter-I think of the cookie monster and it makes it not so scary, lol) has been hugging my ribs lately. More on the right side than the left. And while exercising, I feel it for a little bit, but when sitting, it is more intense. I got my girdle that helps because it helps with counterpressure against my ribs (as well as my stomach after having three kids of course). Well, I got frustrated because I didn't wear my girdle earlier and it was bugging me at that time. I knew I had to ride into Morehead, so I put it on to help some. Well, the drive to Morehead was horrible. The counterpressure didn't help and when the hubby called, I almost got teary over it. But I didn't and just told him I was uncomfortable and would call him on the way home. I am just frustrated because my means of taking care of it didn't work today...and trying to stay positive that when school starts, I will be so busy I won't notice it as much. I hope the wonderful Dr. Steel will be able to give me some good advice as to how to deal with it...this imaginary, invisible, pain in the ribs MonSter.